The Power of Prayer

We all go through challenging situations in our lives, but how do we get through them? For me, it has been through prayer. Prayer has helped me defeat many battles that I’ve faced. There are three significant situations in the past two years through which prayer has changed my life. First, alcohol was a coping […]

Sexually Compulsive Behavior

A large research group recently set out to discover what helps families function well and stay healthy. They found that the determining factor was not race or religion or socio-economic status. The one thing that makes families functional is that healthy families regularly take issues out from “under the table,” put them “on the table,” […]

“You Just Need Jesus”

Her words confounded me. They came at a time when, though I was a “good Christian girl,” I found my heart paralyzed. My freshman year of college brought anxiety like I had never known. Anxious thoughts crippled me. I lived for a semester and a half in a prison of dread—dread that I might out-sin […]

When My Behavior Stinks

I was sitting in my quiet-time spot, with my Bible open. Moments earlier, I had angrily yelled at my kids for some lame reason. (Angry as in full-of-rage-out-of-control Mama.) Now, I was filled with shame and grief: how could I be a follower of Jesus and at the same time be a mean mom? I […]

When Your Dreams Fall Apart

My husband and I had a plan. But the year we were supposed to go overseas, we gave birth to beautiful twin girls. And although I had looked forward to becoming a mother my whole life, I was not initially very excited about them. I felt afraid, anxious and uncertain of who I was and […]

Wall of Shame

It all started in high school when I got sick of being on the outside of all the crude jokes. I was seen as a good kid—pastor’s daughter, sheltered and naive about the world. I never understood what the other kids were joking about, so after school I would look up on the internet what […]

Authority, Decisions and Submission

Every time our superiors at work make a decision, we support it 100%, right? Right. I consider myself a loyal employee, but I recently found myself struggling to support a decision made “at the top.” This decision directly impacted me and resulted in a very difficult week as I bore the brunt of angry fallout from […]