Flourishing or Languishing?

When I got my first job out of college, it certainly didn’t feel like I was flourishing. I lived in New Jersey and worked in New York. I woke up every day at 5:30 AM to catch the train, and if there was a seat, I could spend a little time reading the Bible. The […]

I Was Made for Work

Yesterday was a long day. After dinner, I still had emails to answer and PowerPoint slides to edit. (I work at a university.) This was after being up at 6 am to help my daughter get to school, an hour of writing and editing before I left, a meeting by 9 am, more meetings and […]

Heard About Racism?

“Ferguson.” “Thugs.” “White privilege.” “Illegals.” “Baltimore.” “Don’t shoot!” “Black lives matter.” “Charleston.” We have seen the headlines, but what do these words mean to you? When issues of racism grab our attention nationally, what does the conversation look like locally, amongst your co-workers and peers? If you are a part of the ethnic majority, do […]