Join us at the annual Navigators 20s Gathering for staff and friends interested in investing in the lives of young adults. This will be a time of rich community, time with Jesus, time to worship and hear from the LORD. For more information on the gathering including schedule, click on the tabs above for details.


  • Anyone with a desire to invest in young adults is invited September 9-11
  • All 20s City Leaders are asked to arrive September 8th for a staff pre-conference, and all other staff are invited choose to arrive on the 8th or 9th


Glen Eyrie 3820 N. 30th St. Colorado Springs, CO 80934

($144/night per sleeping room).


  • $150 non-staff and Navigator Affiliates or Associate staff
  • $250 Navigators staff (except Associate/Affiliate staff) attending September 9-11
  • $300 Navigator staff attending pre-conference September 8-11

Have questions?

Contact us!