Lost in the City

Last summer, we graduated college, moved to a new city, started a full-time job (for Jessica), started medical school (for Jeremiah) and entered the covenant of marriage. It has not been easy.

We now live in downtown Minneapolis, a very different kind of place for both of us. Learning how to navigate the “big city” has also meant learning how to be married. For example, biking to a lake across downtown, Jessica was frustrated that Jeremiah wasn’t going fast enough. Jeremiah, of course, was upset that Jessica kept yelling at him to go faster.

On the way home, we were short on time and disagreed on the best route. Tensions were high, but in the end, this bike ride – where we got lost and frustrated – turned into an opportunity. Jeremiah had to let go of his “manly pride” and let Jessica lead the way – until she got lost. Then it was her turn to swallow her pride and deal with frustration. To get home, we both gave a little, worked through the disagreement. Then we could to solve the problem. We learned not just the geography of the city but a little more about Ephesians 5:21: “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ,” a principle that applies not just to marriage but to all relationships.

After one year together, we feel more like one unit than we did when we started. We know each other more intimately, and submission and trust come easier. We are still learning about each other and look forward to more exploration together. Married or single, we trust you are learning your own lessons in this season of life.



How is your own transition going? Take this Survey to help us better understand how you are doing and what it takes to prepare for a fruitful life after college. Everyone who completes the survey will be given a $5 gift card to show our appreciation for your time. The survey should take 10-15 minutes.

Things I Wish I’d Known Before We Got Married by Gary Chapman. We recommend this book to anyone: single, dating, engaged, or already married! The topics and questions gave both of us new perspectives, clear expectations and plenty of new topics for conversation.

Captivating and Wild At Heart by John and Staci Eldredge. These two books have given us insights into the differences and similarities between how God created men and women, both as individuals and in the marriage relationship.



Be refreshed.

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