Tell Us a Story

I wish I could share this yummy key lime pie with you, but I can’t, because that doesn’t work in videos. But you know what does work in videos? Sharing stories about what God’s been doing in your life over the last year.

Yes, I know, it’s been quite a year. It was just a year ago that the pandemic broke out and we all got quarantined at home.

Now some of you have been reading lots of blogs and books and discovering who God made you to be. Others have been starting new ministries and sharing the gospel in new ways that you never thought you could have. And some of you have grown deeper in your walk with Him and in relationship with people. But we haven’t had a chance to share those things.

So we’d like to pivot from the Refresh blog. Instead of sharing text stories for the rest of this year, we’d like to try out some videos. Will you help us? Turn your phone on, just like I’ve done here, and share a story. A great story has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Tell us what you’re learning in your walk with God, especially if you think it might encourage someone else. And be refreshing as a key lime pie.


Be refreshed.

Want to write for the blog? Let us know!