Bible Apps and David’s Bad Day at Work

Yesterday was a bad day at work. Right at the end, I was pulled off a project I had poured myself into. I’m talking late nights, long days, difficult conversations. I thought our team was over the hump, but then our multi-billion-dollar client (not a typo) wrote back asking for changes. Two days later, in […]
Scrolling with Purpose: How to be mindful on social media

Social media can feel like the devil’s playground–but with cute filters and lots of photos. Don’t get me wrong, I love scrolling through Instagram and seeing what my friends are up to, but let’s be real–those pretty pictures can have ugly results. At least for me, social media can breed comparison, envy, and negativity. But […]
Mental health and discipleship

Alice Matagora is a licensed marriage and family therapist, currently living and working in Southern California. She recently shared the story of her own mental health journey and talked about the role of discipleship and the role counseling. (Spoiler, she—like many people—needed both kinds of help.) Here is a transcript of the podcast, edited for clarity […]
Tiredness, Mistakes, and Joy

For at least the fifth day in a row, I blew it. This morning, I got the times mixed up for a meeting I was in charge of! Once again, I had to send the apologetic email, take responsibility for the confusion, and redirect folks to the right time and location. On one hand, I […]
Breaking the Cycle of Shame

I’ve spent far too much time asking myself two questions: What is wrong with me? and Why can’t I get it together? These aren’t kind questions. They are condemning. They’re laced with a nasty idea: shame. Up until a few years ago, I wouldn’t have known to call it that. But then a friend gently […]
My Pandemic Lesson

Whether the end of the pandemic is in sight or we have more to go, now seems like a good time to look back over the past year. What’s it been like for you? Here’s part of my list: More meeting, coaching, encouraging, listening by Zoom and by phone More walks and more praying for […]
Origin Story

In January, I look forward by looking back. This sharpens my vision on the big picture and clears my thinking about the things that are most important to me. Dawson Trotman, founder of The Navigators, memorized 20 verses before he decided to follow Christ. He knew 10 on salvation and 10 on how Christians grow. […]
Home Alone: Ideas for Extended Time with God

Long breaks can be a great time to focus a little more on listening, praying, or taking a nice long read in the Bible. We’ve interviewed a handful of folks and have gathered a variety of tips and practices. Angel, bank examiner The most recent and impactful extended quiet time I have had with the […]
New Normal, New Expectations

“My capacity is low. I’m tired a lot. I seem to have nothing to do, but then I never seem to have time to do all that comes up. EVERYTHING takes more time than I’m used to. Normal life activities (shopping, cooking, talking, thinking) take more energy than usual. Although I know I am where […]
New Prayer

The fire was coming up the mountainside, and we needed to evacuate. As I drove away, I wondered: Would I ever see this place again? Would I have a job? What is going to happen? The days to come were frustrating, confusing, and hard. I hated just waiting, unsure of what was next. And, I […]