What do Nav 20s groups look like?

Every Nav 20s group is a little different. At the core is people seeking Jesus and a desire to grow disciples everywhere. Yet the personalities and local culture can influence it uniquely. 

Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to go out to San Diego and meet Thomas and Tim. I was so blessed to see how they were investing in the lives of people in the city. It was clear that their context had shaped their ministry. The “vibe” just felt right.

As I sat in on a study they led with some seniors at UC San Diego, they discussed the challenges, doubts, and opportunities they faced upon graduation. Some of these were common (how to find friends), but all had a San Diego/Southern California twist (the out-of-reach price of housing or the looser surf culture mixing with the military and business culture).

Afterward, Thomas and Tim shared stories of how the ministry had affected so many different people from different walks of life: rich/poor, black/white/Asian/brown. It was an exciting reminder for me. While contexts may differ, a love of Christ and a desire to come alongside others in life-to-life discipleship remains the same. This simple desire drives us and continues to change the lives of the people around us. 

The Navigators filmed a video featuring the San Diego 20s ministry on that same trip. I hope you watch it and that it encourages and inspires you to think about your community. How is your community (or the community you hope to find) different than what you see in San Diego? Even more, how is it the same?


Be refreshed.

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