A Blog Written To Encourage Young Adults

Waking Up Ill, Thinking About Work
The past few years, I was waking up feeling ill as I prepared to walk into the classroom. Every day, I was losing my voice

Work Diligently, Move Gently
I constantly find myself meditating on two seemingly contradictory commands—to work heartily (Colossians 3:23-24) and to move gently (Matthew 11: 29). With the arrival of

Starting, Failing, and Starting Again
It’s only January 19, and my read-through-the-Bible plan has already fallen apart. On January 7, I met with a few friends, and we were all

I work at Duke’s public policy school, and as you can imagine, the weeks after an election can be total chaos. No matter who wins,

Disciplemaking in a New Place
John* and I sat across a desk from each other in the gymnasium office at Joseph Harp Corrections Center in Lexington, Oklahoma. “I’m leaving early

How Can I Cultivate a God-honoring, Kingdom Perspective During a Divisive Election Season?
Doug has worked with the Navigators for 28 years, the last 12 focused on advancing our calling on Capitol Hill with people from across the
Be refreshed.
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