You all go explore the mall,” Mom said. “I’m going to stay here and people watch.” People watch? What’s that? Curious, I slid onto the bench beside my mom as my siblings headed off. “God created so much amazing diversity in this world,” she explained as we watched the world walk past. She pointed out tall people, […]
Different. Not So Different

My company hires and onboards big groups all at once, and in my group, I quickly learned that the people I work with are really different from me: at first, it seemed like I was the only person not looking to go out drinking and get messed up every night. I did not want to […]
Start with One

Making disciples of the people in our lives A couple years ago, The Lord answered a prayer by bringing Thomas into my life as a mentor. We started off by meeting once a week during my lunch break at work. Thomas was there to meet me where I was at in life and walk alongside […]
Learning From Someone Like Me

Life-to-Life® discipleship opportunities are significant to help believers grow in their relationship with God. It can also be important to incorporate diversity within these relationships by meeting with someone who is not like you. We have so much to learn from one another! However, many people have not had the opportunity to be discipled, led, […]
Who, Me?

After getting my degree in fashion and working two years for a great shoe company in Nashville (a job I loved!), the pandemic began, and I was laid off. As I processed what to do next, my former campus minister invited me to a weekend online event called Stand in the Gap. He suggested it […]
This Is a Test

Over the last few weeks, as the coronavirus has played havoc with our lives, it has been both deeply encouraging—and frustrating—to see how people are responding. On the plus side, I loved Governor Cuomo’s introduction of “New York Clean” hand sanitizer. Regardless of what we might think about his politics, I appreciate how, in a few […]
Finding My Place on the Map

When I was a kid I knew I would be a missionary. God had placed it on my heart at a young age, and I was willing to go to great lengths to achieve that goal. When I graduated from high school, I was ready to step into ministry and was even willing to go […]
First Day of Discipleship

In my work with students with special needs, it is easy to see God’s hand. I enjoy the work, and I am growing in my devotion to God and in my understanding of His peace in my life and His justice in the world. However, when a friend challenged me to share the things I […]
Craigslist Friends

The idea that God can work “right where you are” sounds great, but it takes faith! A few years ago, even as Meaghan and I were figuring out life after graduation – marriage, new careers and home ownership – we wanted to be making some type of ministry impact, but we felt lost about how […]
Even While Working at Pizza Hut

When I graduated, I knew I wanted to “make a difference” for Christ. I even had an invitation to move to CO to help start a campus ministry. But I also had a mountain of debt I knew I needed to pay off. The path forward was rarely clear, but looking back, I can see […]