A Blog Written To Encourage Young Adults

Late Bloomer
I was involved with Navs the last couple years of college, but that wasn’t my initial plan going in. I came to school just wanting

Bible Apps and David’s Bad Day at Work
Yesterday was a bad day at work. Right at the end, I was pulled off a project I had poured myself into. I’m talking late

Scrolling with Purpose: How to be mindful on social media
Social media can feel like the devil’s playground–but with cute filters and lots of photos. Don’t get me wrong, I love scrolling through Instagram and

Relationships Are Messy
Last summer, Greg and I decided to make use of our tent and brave the wilderness for a night of camping in northern Minnesota. We

Discovering You
If I am honest, my 20s is where I struggled the most with the question “who am I?” It was the time I pondered deepest

You all go explore the mall,” Mom said. “I’m going to stay here and people watch.” People watch? What’s that? Curious, I slid onto the bench beside
Be refreshed.
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